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eShop Xporter

eShop Xporter

Regular price $0.00


Shop Exporter is a web-based solution that enables you to export your store in spreadsheet format; allowing you to export your Orders (with line-item properties), Products, Blogs, Articles and Customers (with more to come) into easily readable spreadsheets, which are saved on our server for your convenience, and emailed to you (if you like).


Reports are generated according to a template you specify, and only contain the information you want, in the format you want. With our easy-to-use tool, you can automatically rename, and reorder all the attributes you need in your report, allowing you to customize your spreadsheets so that they fit with any pre-existing format you, or software you own, may have been using.


Shop Exporter provides an automation service for use in generating reports, allowing you to generate incremental reports automatically, which takes in all the changed data from your shop since your last report, bundles it up, and saves it on our server. We also provide a service which attaches this report to an email, and sends it to any number of email addresses you like.

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